We were blessed to spend Thanksgiving week with two great families this year! The Gordons have some land in west Texas, close to Sterling City, and they invited us and the Whites to stay there for a mini-vacation. Call me crazy, but a place out in the middle of nowhere with the lack of cell signals and other outside distractions is very appealing to me! We had a great time visiting, playing games, reading, cooking, crafting... and of course hunting. I went out one morning with Jason, and we watched a trophy buck and his doe just dominate the feeder area!
Speaking of bucks, Braden and Jason both got one this year. Braden didn't have the "spot on" aim this year, but he gained quite the experience once he hit his 8-point. He insisted on doing the dirty work, and I'll spare you the picture that shows him cleaning out the insides bare-handed!

Landry had loads of fun with Abigail and Jenna. They made scrapbooks of the trip and printed pictures by the end of the week to fill them up. They made bead bracelets, played hide-and-seek, built fires, etc. The girls also cooked our lunch one day: Minestrone soup!
Tripp was in charge of making us all laugh! That is a gift that the boy has always had! He loves Mr. Gordon's jeep, and he got to go on a couple of rides before it broke down. Tripp also went hunting one afternoon with Jason and Braden. The most talkative boy in Texas was actually quiet in the blind. Jason says he just packed enough snacks to keep him from talking, then he fell asleep on the floor of the blind!

I finished a book on my kindle, with one afternoon of heavenly reading next to the backporch-fireplace in a lounge chair. This said lounge chair is sure to put anyone to sleep if you stay in it more than 5 minutes! I also enjoyed helping with the cooking and keeping the guys fueled with coffee. We ate a traditional Thanksgiving meal this year followed by communion. During communion we took a small piece of paper and wrote a sin, prayer, or worry on it. Then we folded it up and nailed it to the cross to signify that Jesus died on the cross for those things and we need to give them back to him.
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