Friday, July 02, 2010


I suppose I spent a few days basking in the glory of Jason's last post! That was very sweet, and it's one of those times that you appreciate being appreciated! This has been the week of kid-shuffle. We've had friends over to spend the night, followed by our kids going off to spend the night with friends. Last night, they all three stayed with Nana and Pa-paw. I'll have a random pause sometimes during the day and think, "Ok, where is everybody today?" I will surely be guilty one day of forgetting to pick someone up!

We have almost wrapped up the summer baseball season. It has been much different than last summer, fewer games and less traveling. We have some good times coming up this next week: hanging out with the Grahams, 4th of July Parade, fireworks, Jason's midterms, and regional baseball tournament! Next week is a 3-day work week for me, so that is something to celebrate in itself!

I've got to find a way to keep this blog updated more often. It's supposed to tell of the kids' sweet sayings, mishaps, etc. Lately, it's been a quick review every 10 days where each person gets a blurb on what they're up to... not my original design! So, I hear you out there- good luck with that, right?

1 comment:

Lissa Michelle said...

i just now read it. it is soooooo sweet.