Friday, June 25, 2010

Saving Grace

It's interesting and maybe even comical (or possibly ironic) that I am so dedicated to doing well in my Master's Program. I am studying everyday for hours on end, and anyone who knew me before I met my wife, knows how indifferent I was in regards to school earlier in my life. School was a means to play football and other activities. When high school was over, I went to Tarleton without any motivation. College was a way to get out of working full-time. (It's funny how not working at school put me in the position of having to work full-time at the lumber yard.) Little did I know that Tarleton had minimum standards. There I was, at the crossroads. I knew that I didn't want to work in a lumber yard the rest of my life hauling sheetrock and lumber all over the place. I moved to College Station and enrolled at Blinn College and started taking a few courses, but it was Jen (who I met the day I moved down there) who was my saving grace. She taught me how to study and her habits wore off on me and I actually started doing well in school. I did well enough that I received my Associate's Degree and was then accepted into Texas A&M University. Again, Jen was my saving grace. She even attended a trigonometry class with me one summer, of her own free will, just to help me. In the end, I graduated from Aggieland with a really strong GPA and I owe more than anyone could fathom to my saving grace. Well, here we go again, and as usual, Jen is allowing me to succeed. I am pursuing my Master's in Educational Administration, and I won't lie, my classes (which includes law) are challenging and consuming the majority of my time. Jen has taken on many of the roles and duties I normally handle. Between Jen and many others sacrificing on my behalf, I have been able to get my work done and done well. I have 143 out of a possible 150 points in my law class and 80 out of 80 in the other. In fact, one of my professors asked to publish my last essay and use it in her course. I was very flattered but soon realized that the credit goes to my saving grace. My wife rocks and I am the beneficiary of her love and dedication. I love you Jen...thank you for all you have done, are going, and will do. You're amazing and your sacrifices do not go unnoticed.



Robyn said...

Yeah You! I know you are doing exactly what God intends for you...and your wife does ROCK...and you rock for noticing! we have another sack of clothes for Miss Landry and we need to schedule a play date sometime!

Lissa Michelle said...

awwwwwwwwwwww, such a sweet, sweet post. love it.