Wednesday, March 24, 2010

PT on PT

Adapted from Holmes on Homes, it was as clever a title as I could come up with today! So, I started PT for my back yesterday. I am smart enough to request the super-experienced therapist, and she was great. She was able to pinpoint the structural problem without any $1000 dollar MRI! The beauty of it is that she was able to give me some relief, too! I'm 3 weeks into this injury, and yesterday was the first day that I could say I see improvement. I also give credit to the full-night's sleep I got Monday night. That was also a first in the last 3 wks!

So, my hope is that Sue can get me stable enough to carry on what I already knew I needed to do... Pilates! Yes, that is the true fix for my particular problem. Once we get everything lined back up where it needs to be, she confirmed that I need to do stabilization exercises for the rest of my life! Luckily, I love Pilates!


Sara Graham said...

So glad you are finding relief! And I love Holmes on Homes!

Lissa Michelle said...

My huband LOVES that TV show! Besides ESPN, HGTV is really the only channel ever on at our house...and that show more than any other. I hope your injury gets better!

Unknown said...

Yea! A solution!

js said...

So glad you're feeling better! Painful back and no sleep- that's not good. Praying you are back to 100% soon.