Saturday, July 18, 2009

Dare to discipline

That's a book title by James Dobson. I haven't read it, but maybe I should! We have a young man in the house with serious attitude. He has discovered the true meaning of a fit. Screaming, stomping, red-faced fits! He is precious in his fit-throwing of course, and the biggest challenge is often to make sure nobody laughs at his rage. The kids understand now that their laughter makes bad behavior worse!

So, this is a picture of Tripp putting his nose in the corner after a FIT! He loves to vaccuum, and he was mad that we put the vaccuum away. We have a Kirby that is kind of self-propelled, so he can actually manage the vaccuum quite well. We had let him clean a strip of the carpet for over five minutes, and when we took it away he got MAD! He went over to the closet that holds the vaccuum and stomped, squealed, and screamed at the top of his lungs. He knew exactly what was happening when he got his nose put in the corner! He calmed down and was very repentful. Almost made us feel bad, but not quite!

1 comment:

Sara Graham said...

Now, I think you all must be mistreating this poor boy because the Tripp I know would never act like that! :) Good for you, daring to discipline!

Can't wait to see you today and tomorrow!