Sunday, July 26, 2009


I confess. I have had no desire to use the computer... all summer basically! My routine during the school year is to check email, get online for a bit once or twice a day. Now, I'm doing good to check my email 3 times a week. And, at those times I seriously just check it and jump back off the computer! Hence, the spotty blogging!

We have had tons of summer fun over the past few weeks. We are blessed to have access to some great swimming pools (the people let us use them even when they are not home). We went to the Mabery pool with the Grahams and the Saffers, and the kids quickly made up a game with the floating mat and the diving rock!

The big kids have become great swimmers, and the little man has absolutely no fear of the water! I love taking the kids to the pool, it just seems like that's what you're supposed to do when it is so blasted hot outside!

We went fishing the other night, again at the Mabery's. Braden and I tied for biggest catch; he got a blue cat and I got a bass. I hooked mine as I left my lure out in the middle of the tank after backlashing my reel. Funny thing was, after I realized I hooked it, I straightened out the line real quick!

We've been to two Ranger games since the all star break. The first one was a loss against the Twins. Jason had texted me that day to see if I wanted to go. We texted back and forth a few times about maybe going to a Cats game instead. Shortly after I got home from work, the Cains called to see if we wanted to go to the Ranger game! They had four extra tickets... behind home plate!! I had never sat back there, and it was a very cool way to watch the game! The next game was a win against the Red Sox! Landry wore Braden's old Red Sox cap, but the rest of us had on our Rangers garb!

This weekend, we split up for our fun. The big boys went to Six Flags, and Landry and I had girlie day (plus Tripp). I must admit that I was totally out of my element with the whole girlie thing! My girl is the most girlie girl in the universe, and I have no idea where she learned it. Ahem, I blame Nana! We went to the mall and alternated from carousel, to store, to playground, to nail shop, to bathroom, to carousel, to playground, etc.!

We have really enjoyed our family time lately! I love the five of us hanging out together, going here and there, and just chilling at home. Jason and I are coming up on our 12th anniversary, and I can honestly say that I have never been happier. Really, in all aspects of my life. I have the best husband in the world, our kids bring incredible joy to our lives, and if I have to work I have the greatest job! I love my life, can't you see why!

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