Saturday, April 25, 2009


Braden made us very proud this weekend with his T-ball. He had two last-inning at bats with the opportunity to "save the day," and he stepped up and smacked the ball! He is hitting the ball really good with one of his teammate's bats. He is also starting to learn more about the fundamentals and strategies of baseball. Jason's last post involved some comments about the intensity of some of the parties in the T-ball league. He is so right. There are some people that get out of hand and worked up over 5 and 6 year olds playing T-BALL! We have a great coach, though. He wants to win, but he is more concerned with the boys having fun and learning the right things. Of course, I think our assistant coach this year is the greatest (that's Jason)!

Landry is off for a sleep-over with her Nana. It was a long day of everything about Braden, so we thought it was only fair for her to get to do something fun! What else would she choose than time with her Nana! We are trying a treatment for her ears because of some hearing loss that is related to her chronic ear problems. The hearing loss is only in the left ear, and the ENT feels that it is definitely reversible at this point. The treatment is called an Ear Popper. She basically uses it to blow air up one nostril, pushes the other nostril closed, and swallows all at the same time. That, in turn, causes her ears to pop. Enough pops will theoretically pull her eardrum into the correct position and allow vibration to hear!! Complicated, yet so simple!

Tripp is understanding a good bit of language, and I am convinced that he is saying some words other than "Momma!" He is full of personality and opinion. He knows what he wants, and he knows what he doesn't want! He still clings to me like a little monkey, but he's starting to figure out that he also likes to venture out on his own some too! He loves for Braden to chase him around, and he has discovered a few shortcuts between furniture that Braden can't fit through!

So, that's a pretty decent-sized update on the kids. They are wonderful and perfect and hilarious and full of love. Oh, I forgot to talk about Landry's prayers. She has been saying the best nighttime prayers that I'll have to expound on more another time. Oh, they are just so sweet, innocent, and thoughtful! Just know that if you are reading this, Landry has probably prayed for you or about you in some capacity!!

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