Thursday, October 30, 2008

Chapped Knees

Tripp is crawling/scooting so much that he has chapped knees! He is getting around quite efficiently, and he's even figured out how to get from his belly back up to sitting. He has finally decided that he likes, no he loves, food! I've been wondering if we might need to do some DNA testing to make sure he was a Karnes, JUST KIDDING! He's got the hang of it now though, he's eating almost anything you offer!

The big kids are good. They need their daddy to get home though. If you have trouble appreciating someone, send them away for a week and you'll learn real quick what all they need apppreciation for! For the kids, it boils down to two polar opposites: discipline and fun! Daddy keeps them in line, but he also provides a lot of fun around here. I'm mostly business, especially when I'm roughing it by myself. Landry finally voiced the other day: "Momma, you always say no to what I ask!" Needless to say, I didn't have much sympathy at that point only because I know she's a drama queen. However, it did get that little voice in my head stirred up. Maybe I don't do this enough, maybe I should be more this, maybe I should do more of that! Like I said, Jason needs to get home!

This is all for now. Tripp's other new trick is waking up at 5 a.m., so I better go tend to him!


Sara Graham said...

I was thinking about you just this morning, getting three kids ready and out the door. I do not envy you! How have the bigger ones been getting to Godley??? Just about 8 days and you'll be here!!!!!!!

js said...

A WEEK! Oh my, you are super mom! Hey- we are way over due for a dinner date. Let me know when is a good time.