Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Aquariums of Pyongyang

This is a book referenced in George W. Bush's Decision Points. It is a memoir of a man from North Korea who was sent to a concentration camp at age 9. He was there with his family, minus mom, for 10 years! There are unbelievable details that make you wonder how on earth he survived. Of course, your gratitude for freedom will also increase exponentially with this book!

I have been hearing about North Korea in the news for several years, but I think I've been blocking it out. Honestly, it's quite disturbing to realize how inhumane and cruel these people are. Scary, scary! Bush makes a typical-Texas observation in his book, saying their leader "might be nuts!"

So, Bush reads Aquariums in his second presidential term and invites the author to Washington D.C. Evidently, it was quite moving for both parties, and there has been increased aid to these suffering North Korean citizens ever since. Check out the book and let me know what you think!

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