Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Family Game Nights

We've had two consecutive nights of family bliss. Monday night, Braden helped me cook our supper: baked tilapia, steamed broccoli, cucumber salad, and rolls. This was all on his initiative- he saw me getting started and asked to help! He made the wet rub for the fish, cut up the broccoli, peeled the cucumbers, etc! Last night, Braden and Landry both helped tremendously in cleaning up the kitchen/table after supper. I was amazed at how much they were offering to help, and it is GREAT how much they can do to help!

Motivation helps... We told them we could play a family game after supper! No Wii, no TV, no movies- just an old-fashioned board game- Scrabble. It was actually very good for getting two little brains in gear for school! Spelling words, counting points, doubling/tripling scores, etc. I wouldn't want to brag or anything, but I do have some mad word skills!

On a sad note, we got some news of a person at work that has colon cancer. Picture a healthy, fit-looking, just-turned-40-yr-old guy getting this news, and that's the beast of cancer. It is an unbiased, devastating disease that can pop up in anyone at anytime! This is one of those things that hits close to home and reminds us that we are not invincible! I remember hearing about cancer when I was young, and it was always a story about someone's sister's friend's cousin or something like that. Now, we have virtually all been close to someone going through something like this. We need a cure!


Unknown said...

Ahhh, family game night, sounds like a good idea. We need to copy the Karnes family tonight!

Lissa Michelle said...

that sounds like some good old fashioned fun! i'm so sorry about your friend. cancer is such a weird, weird thing.

Sara Graham said...

What wet rub did you use on the fish? If you used my thrown together one, I hope you liked it!

Grace helped me a little putting up 1/2 a bushel of peaches today. I wish I'd had the Karnes/Marsh families to help! I know they are going to taste great in a few months.

Miss you so much!