Monday, August 03, 2009

Tough Girl

Landry is doing very well. She was sick to her stomach early Saturday, but after a 4 hour nap she was much better! She is eating more than I expected her to, and she is drinking everything I put in her Little Mermaid cup! I've been a little extra cautious about the side effects of her pain medicine; basically from both work and personal experience. To put it nicely, the pain medicine slows down the functions of the stomach! We've given her medicine to counteract it, special juice ;), and peaches. I've been explaining to her why the whole time, but I could tell it didn't really make a lot of sense to her. She ran to me yesterday morning and asked, "Is it good if I poop?" The truth was, she really had to go, but she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing! Poor thing, I had her thinking about it way too much!

Braden is slightly bored through all this. We're not exactly wanting him to lounge around with Landry and watch movies all day! He got to go to his baseball team's "end of season" party this weekend, and his Aunt Kayci took him to a birthday party at the bounce house place. He finally got to play outside last night. We are NOT complaining, but they haven't gotten to play outside lately due to all the rain! What a blessing to see some green around here!

Tripp is up to his normal stuff. He's certainly going to be the first with stitches or a broken arm... we can't keep him from climbing on everything! He's trying his best to talk, but it's mostly the beginning sound of a word that he gets out. He speaks a different language at times, maybe something Asian, and that comes out in complete sentences. He'll pick up a book and spout off all this jibberish, then drop the book and move on!

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