Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Day With The Rangers

We had a great rest followed by breakfast and a swim! This vacation schedule is nice!

After a relaxing morning, we went to the Ballpark for our scheduled tour. It was neat to see the behind-the-scenes aspects of major league baseball. The kids even got to put on 2 championship rings!!

Then we took a trip into the gift shop where the kids spent their allowance money on Rangers caps and such. We hadn't eaten since breakfast, so we decided to splurge for supper... We went to the Diamond Club! Yum-O! The food, service, and view of pre-game warmups was fantastic!

Unfortunately, the Rangers lost to the White Sox. However, they had a gear post game fireworks show that made up for that feeling of defeat. Maybe not so much for the players, but it was good for us!

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