Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Great Pumpkin

Here is Landry, as Patty (green shirt/kneeling on the floor), in "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." She was quite curious to see who came to watch her play, so she used her hands as binoculars to see the audience. This was the most precious thing, I laughed for days about her doing this in the middle of the play!

She has located her fan club in the audience! Big wave!

This shot actually went into the Hood County News, our local newspaper. This was another exciting first, as she made the paper!

And, is this not a picture of pure delight! She was so happy to be on stage in a real performance! They had a light reception after the show, and then Mimi treated us at Braum's for an ice cream cone. What a day for my baby girl. How gratifying it is as a parent to see your child in their element like this!

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