Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Super Shortcut

For those of you out there that need a little help in the time management scene, I have a simple cooking solution! If you don't eat chicken, stop reading now because you will be wasting that precious time. However, we cook with chicken frequently for enchiladas, casseroles, pasta, quesadillas, and many other dishes. Costco has cooked rotisserie breast meat that is already pulled off the bone, packaged and ready to go: 2.5 lbs for about $10! The secret is that you have to ask for it at the meat counter. (I think the one time they had them on display they must have sold out in record time!) You can't imagine how much time/energy this saves a working mom who doesn't particularly plan a menu each week. I can get home and literally throw something absolutely scrumptious together in 30 minutes! Hope this helps decrease your stress and increase your family time!

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