Sunday, March 08, 2009

Different needs

Landry needs to be fed first thing in the morning. I mean, like, within the first 5 minutes of waking up or you just mess up her day!

Braden could care less about eating within the first hour of waking up. Just make sure he can find the remote or some type of media device!

Tripp, well he wants to eat constantly right now. He points and grunts for things he wants. If you don't respond he screams or yells!

It was a good weekend. We hung out with two different couples on Friday/Saturday night and had a great time with each of them. Poor Whitney was our babysitter Friday, and she had to call in reinforcements! Tripp was just fussy, no way around it. There are times in his life when he doesn't know where his momma went, and he just can't be made happy. The final resolution they decided on: put the boy to bed!! Good call, I've done it myself!

Braden and Landry both made excellent marks on their last report card. Braden's lowest grade was a 96! Landry has been "on green" the whole year... until last week. Now, she only got her color card changed for a short time, but she got to keep it on green for the day! Anyway, this happened two days in a row for... yep, you guessed it: excessive talking!! She had just gotten a HUGE amount of hand-me-down doll stuff from a friend of mine, so Jason threatened to take it away! Oooh, that girl got so much praise the next day for her excellent behavior!! Just the threat of punishment gets her walking the straight and narrow!

1 comment:

Sara Graham said...

Look at Landry Beth's long hair!! I understand the different needs of morning eating. I need to wait, Jasen and the kids need it NOW, the moment their feet hit the floor.

I am sorry I flaked out on you Saturday. I will call this Saturday.